Cervical Kyphosis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Cervical Kyphosis

Do you ever hunch over without realizing it or struggle to look straight ahead comfortably? If so, you might be dealing with a condition called cervical kyphosis. 

In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at cervical kyphosis. We’ll explore the various reasons why this condition develops, the symptoms to watch, and the different treatment options available to help your neck feel better. 

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What is Cervical Kyphosis? 

Cervical kyphosis is a medical condition characterised by an abnormal forward curvature of the cervical spine, which is the part of the spine located in the neck.  

In a healthy spine, the neck typically has a natural curve resembling the letter “C” when viewed from the side, with the opening facing towards the back. However, in cervical kyphosis, this curve may straighten or even reverse, with the opening facing towards the front of the body. 

Cervical kyphosis is sometimes called military neck because it makes you look like you’re “standing at attention,” like a soldier. In severe cases, the neck’s curvature may cause a person’s natural gaze to tilt downward.  Many cervical spines with kyphosis can be thought of as a variant of normal however – it is not necessarily a sign of disease.  

What are the Causes of Cervical Kyphosis? 

Common causes of cervical kyphosis include: 

  • Ankylosing spondylitis, a progressive type of spinal arthritis. 
  • Degenerative disc disease, with loss of disc height – this can be due to factors including repetitive injury, smoking, and genetic predisposition. 
  • Spine tumors. 
  • Trauma or injury of the spine. 
  • Prior spine surgery, such as laminectomy, to relieve spinal cord pressure. 

What are the Symptoms of Cervical Kyphosis? 

Cervical kyphosis doesn’t always cause symptoms. Some degree of straightening of your cervical spine is normal with age. 

Symptoms of cervical kyphosis can include: 

  • An unnatural curve in the neck that’s visible 
  • A pitched-forward posture 
  • Reduced range of motion in the neck 
  • Neck stiffness 
  • Muscle weakness in the neck 

If the condition is left untreated, symptoms tend to escalate and can include: 

  • Radiating pain due to nerve compression  
  • Reduced limb mobility 
  • Limb mobility  
  • Bowel issues 

How is Cervical Kyphosis Diagnosed? 

During your consultation, Dr Sherief, Dubai based spinal surgeon, will ask about your medical history and symptoms and perform a physical exam. This exam will include your balance, movement, posture, reflexes, and strength assessments. 

Medical imaging tests including standing X-rays will help to determine the degree of kyphosis. Occasionally CT scans or , MRI scans are required, but usually only if invasive treatment is planned.  

How is Cervical Kyphosis Treated? 

Cervical kyphosis can be treated either non-surgically or surgically. Cervical kyphosis treatment depends on the pressure on the spinal cord. If there is significant pressure being applied to the spinal cord, surgery may be recommended.  

Non-Surgical Treatment 

For mild cervical kyphosis, Dr Sherief will recommend non-surgical treatment, such as 

  • Simple observation.  
  • Medications to reduce pain and inflammation. 
  • Physical therapy, such as neck exercises, to provide pain relief and help restore a normal neck curve. 
  • Applying ice or a heat pad to relieve pain and inflammation. 

Surgical Treatment 

If you’re experiencing pain or neurological symptoms, like muscle weakness, tingling, or coordination issues, Dr Sherief may recommend cervical kyphosis surgery. The type of surgery recommended will depend on whether your neck has some flexibility or is rigid. 

He uses several techniques to repair the cervical spine, including: 

  • Posterior approaches, where he enters through the back of your neck. 
  • Anterior approaches, where he accesses the spine near your throat. 
  • Combined anterior and posterior approaches. 

He may also remove the disc or portions of bones, and you may have a cervical fusion or cervical disc replacement (cervical arthroplasty).  

Overall, the goals for cervical spinal surgery are to: 

  • Restore the natural curvature of your spine  
  • Relieve pressure off your spinal cord and nerves  
  • Restabilize your spine  

Contact Dr Sherief Elsayed for Cervical Kyphosis Treatment in Dubai 

Understanding cervical kyphosis, its causes, symptoms, and treatment options is crucial for individuals experiencing neck discomfort or spinal issues. Whether caused by degenerative changes, trauma, or congenital abnormalities, seeking appropriate medical attention is essential for managing this condition effectively. 

If you are struggling with cervical kyphosis, contact Dr Sherief Elsayed for professional assistance. Dr. Sherief, a British Spinal Surgeon with over 20 years of expertise in orthopedics and spine, offers specialized treatment for cervical kyphosis in Dubai.  

Take the first step towards your spine health by contacting Dr Sherief Elsayed for cervical kyphosis treatment in Dubai. 

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