ACDF Surgery

Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) surgery treats a herniated or degenerated disc in the neck region through an anterior incision (front of the neck). ACDF surgery aims to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots, which can cause permanent damage if left untreated. Dr Sherief Elsayed is one of the most experienced doctors for ACDF Surgery in Dubai.

What are the symptoms of a patient who needs ACDF surgery?

ACDF surgery is recommended for patients whose diagnostic tests show a herniated or degenerative disc in the cervical region and whose symptoms don’t improve with medication and physical therapy. Given below are some other symptoms of a patient who needs ACDF surgery:

  • Loss of sensation in hands
  • Arm and neck pain
  • Pain in shoulder
  • Difficulty using hands
  • Difficulties with balance,
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control


After studying the patient’s general health and medical history, the following tests are performed for diagnostic purposes;

Physical examination of the neck

This involves inspecting the patient’s neck by the doctor for any abnormalities. In addition, various tests and observations are carried out to better understand the neck’s posture, range of motions, reflexes, muscle strength, and sensations felt in the legs and arms. 

Imaging studies

Given below are some imaging tests that are done to narrow down the cause of neck pain;

X-ray: X-rays use electromagnetic waves to produce images of dense structures. They can reveal the vertebral openings and the general bony structure. 

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)– These use magnetic fields to detect nerve root compression / to assess the health of the cervical discs and the spinal cord. 

CT (Computerised Tomography) Scan: These scans generate more detailed pictures of the cervical spine to determine if you have developed bone spurs near the foramen. 

Nerve conduction studies (NCS) / Electromyography (EMG): EMG measures the electrical impulses of the muscles at rest and during contractions. EMG studies are often performed along with nerve conduction studies to determine if the nerve is functioning properly.

How is ACDF surgery performed?

The step-by-step procedure for Anterior cervical Discectomy and fusion treatment in Dubai is as follows:

Step 1: Making the incision

After the patient is administered general anaesthesia, a small incision is made to reach the damaged disc from the front (anterior) of the spine through the throat area by moving the neck muscles, trachea, and oesophagus aside.

Step 2: Locating the damaged disc

Next, the surgeon inserts a thin needle into the spine to locate the impacted disc. After the disc is located, a retractor spreads the vertebrae above and below it.

Step 3: Removing the disc

In the third step, the surgeon makes an incision in the disc’s outer wall and removes it using small grasping tools.

Step 4: Decompressing nerves

If any bone spurs are pressing against the patient’s nerve root, they are removed. Afterwards, the surgeon opens the spinal canal to allow the nerves some extra space.

Step 5: Preparing a bone graft fusion

Next, an open disc space is prepared for fusion, and a spacer bone graft is inserted in the gap. The bone graft and vertebrae may be fixed in place with metal plates and screws to promote natural bone growth.

Step 6: Closing the incision

Finally, all tools are removed, and the muscle and skin incisions are closed. 

Table of Contents

Why choose
Dr Sherief Elsayed for ACDF surgery in Dubai?

Dr Sherief Elsayed, a leading surgeon for ACDF surgery in Dubai, is one of the world’s best orthopaedic surgeons. He specialises in treating cervical spine problems through multiple minimally invasive approaches. His vast experience helps him treat patients with various injuries, from sports-related to traumatic injuries. Contact him today if you want an Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion treatment in Dubai.