Awards And

- Founder of NMC Spine, UAE – 2019
- Founder of Spine Score – 2019
- Co-Founder of NSpine – 700 people involved in Year 1 to great acclaim;
- Co-Founder & Convenor of Miller Review Course, United Kingdom, now in its sixth year
- Co-Founder of Professional Medical Education, personally teaching over 11,000 delegates
- Former Founding member of Sussex Orthopaedic Research Group
- Former Executive Committee Member, British Association of Spine Surgeons
- Former Lead Clinician for Spinal Surgery, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals
- International Editor Miller Review of Orthopaedics, 6th Edition, The Seminal Orthopaedic Text
- Nominated and selected from Spinal Surgeons across Europe to form part of 29-member European Spine Think-Tank, 2012
- Ambassador, City of Nottingham, United Kingdom, since 2013
- Ambassador, City of Brighton & Hove, United Kingdom, since 2015
- Winner, Lecturer of the Year, Joint 1st Place, Miller UK Orthopaedic Review Course 2012
- Winner, 1st runner-up, Mediclinic Research Conference, February 2022
- Winner, Innovation Award, Ministry of Health & Prevention, United Arab Emirates, February 2020 – for the application of 3D-printed Patient-Specific Navigation in Scoliosis Deformity Surgery
- Winner, 2nd place prize, Shafafy R, Valsamis E, Luck J, Dimock R, Rampersad S, Kieffer W, Elsayed S Predictors Of Mortality In Elderly Patients With Fractures Of The Odontoid Process – Can We Use Non Spinal Scoring Systems? Barry Fearn Research Meeting, Brighton, September 2018
- Winner, 3rd place prize; Appelnaidu N, Gee C, Shafafy R, Brogan K, Karmani S, Elsayed S Predicting the need for surgical intervention in patients with Spondylodiscitis - development of a new scoring system KSS & South West Thames Orthopaedic Rotation Sam Simmonds Meeting, May 2018
- Winner, British Association of Spinal Surgeons / British Scoliosis Society Presidents’ Travelling Fellow, 2015
- Winner, Lecturer of the Year, Joint 1st Place, Miller UK Orthopaedic Review Course 2012
- Winner, 2nd place prize; Sherlock KE, Elsayed S, Turner W, Jehan S, Bagouri M, Baha L, Boszczyk BM, McNally D The evaluation of digital rectal examination for assessment of anal tone Oral presentation, BritSpine 2012. Also nominated for one of three Value Awards at North American Spine Society, Dallas, Oct 2012
- Winner, 2nd Place Prize (Nottingham Deanery), UKITE 2011
- Winner, 2nd Place Prize (Nottingham Deanery), UKITE 2010
- Winner, Best poster; Lloyd J, Elsayed S, Hariharan KH, Tanaka H Revisiting the concept of talar shift in ankle fractures Poster presentation at Welsh Orthopaedic Society, May 2005; also presented (oral) at The Malkin Meeting, Nottingham
- Distinction in Anatomy, 1995
- Winner, Pfizer Prize for Science 1995
- Winner, Pfizer Prize for Science 1994
- Runner-up, Anthony Lyons Travelling Fellowship, 2011
Other Notable Achievements
- Brighton Spondylodiscitis Score, a validated scoring system for the management of patients with Spondylodiscitis, published in the European Spine Journal, 2018
- Founder, Spine Score app
- International Editor, Miller Review of Orthopaedics, 6th edition, the seminal orthopaedic text
- Co-Founder & Course Director, NSpine - 700 people involved in Year 1 to great acclaim,
- Co-Founder & Convenor of Miller Review Course, United Kingdom, now in its tenth year,
- Co-Founder, Sussex Orthopaedic Research Group
- Ambassador, City of Nottingham, United Kingdom, since 2013
- Creator of Nottingham Hip Fracture Score iPhone App, available for download for free from iTunes Store
- Ambassador, City of Brighton, United Kingdom, since 2015
- Founder, commercially-sensitive Online Telemedicine Platform with innovative features
- Co-founder, NurtureCare Ltd, multi-award winning care agency
- Created nomination pack for Brighton to host BASS 2019 meeting (and won)
- Created nomination pack for Nottingham to host BritSpine 2016 meeting (and won)
- Member of British Association of Spinal Surgeons Training Sub-committee, 2013
- Nominated and selected from Spinal Surgeons across Europe to form part of 29-member European Spine Think-Tank, 2012